View Profile SuperDuck-Rob

25 Movie Reviews

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What was up with the song?

Seriously, that song was terrible. All my friends are vapires? Anyway, the animation...
Graphics: Not too good, not too terrible.

Style: Well, I understand you were trying to get a message across, but it didn't work for me.

Sound: I've discussed this already.

Violence: The guy hung himself, so I gave you some credit.

Interactivity: Play button

Humour: The song was hilarious.

Overall: Could have been a lot better.

DiScObEaN responds:

at the end of the day i chose that song cos i liked it and it feels right to me so i aint gonna change it for anybody and the artwork is supposed to be like a childs drawn it

I watched it for 5 mins, then gave up

Well, the start looked promising with the hills and the lightning. Then it cut to some clocks, and a long speech about 'GOSTs'. Its still going as I write this. Were you trying to make people think about something? To be all 'mystic'? Well it left me with lots of questions:
1: Why is it so long and pointless?
2: Will it EVER end?
3: Why?
4: Why did you make this?
5: ?

rexCo responds:

ya it ends

Haha, nice

That was genius, I didn't see it coming. A lot of people probably won't get it though. Anyway, nice work.

Utterly-Moot responds:

I hope they do, i wish my voice acting was clearer.. i had to get three guys to kick me in the testicals so i could sound like that... i'd hate to think my future grand children (or lack thereof) had to suffer so people get confused lol

well if they dont then its thier loss. I'm glad you liked the animation and i always appreciate it when someone says something of mine is genius ... ya know...despite my spelling and grammer lol

Pirates yeah!

That was amazing! I didn't think you could have that good graphics with sticks. Monkey island music rules as well.
I voted 5!

I am so sick of stuff like this

This is a site for flash, not patriotic garbage. This was just images fading and resizing. Just because its about Iraq doesnt mean its an instant 5. Corny and pointless. I'm sorry man but this is not good flash.

lol that was funny

Some very funny things in that, oh Naruto rules!!!!It was kinda odd but oh well, Naruto Rules!

Pretty good

That was good, to improve add a preloader and sound. Liked the graphics.

Rat-Mazta responds:

heh, lol wtf? there was sound in it? i think... dammit, fuck u macromedia and your glitches!


this has got to be some of the funniest flash on newgrounds!BRAVO!


this was really cool.Those graphics were incredible, wish i could draw like that!

Ignore this profile and all flash from it. Blam it please.

Age 34, Male



Joined on 10/22/04

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